Send a personal letter of support for Nobscot Village
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To whom it may concern,
I am writing this letter in support for the extension of the Nobscot B4 Village Zoning District.
We believe that the proposal aligns with the economic development strategy for the City of Framingham and will help to create a true mixed-use village center.
The re-zone offers a prudent and comprehensive approach to development and the unique opportunity to work within the Nobscot Village Design Guidelines to re-envision the neighborhood village.
In closing, I believe that the proposal will provide a diversity in housing typologies, revitalization of Nobscot Park and neighborhood amenities that are much needed on the north side of Framingham. The rezone offers a solution by aligning zoning goals with economic objectives.
Please approve the Nobscot Village rezone as anything less will be a lost opportunity for the community.
Thank you,